Thor Film AZ 2011
süreç : 173 dakika Wahlstimme
oy miktar : 1.7/10 (10606 oylayarak kararlaştırmak)
cins : MPG 1080p
incelemek : 2533
ressamlık : Giallo , math
hesaplamak : 9.4/10 (73762 Stimme)

Thor 2011 Film AZ
Thor Film AZ--full-online stream-2011-MPG-MPEG-online anschauen-FLV-MP4-BRRip-Bluray-WEBrip-stream hd-blu ray.mp4
Thor-cinetech-hd stream-2011-online schauen-blu ray-1440p-mit untertitel-untertitel-Sonics-DDP-ganzer film-ganzer film-AVI-FLV.png
The movie was not great. I don't like action movies that much but I'm expecting some good fighting scenes since this is a Marvel movie. I was disappointed. It was mostly talking and I don't understand half of what the actors were saying. I should watch this with subtitles next time.
**A long format review from 2011**
So, Thor has only been out for a week and a half, and already it’s grossed $100 million! Pretty fucking good considering it hasn’t even been released in America yet, where like, every movie ever makes most of its money. As you may have guessed, yes, I did finally get around to seeing le Thor, hence the delay in my review of The Incredible Hulk. But know what? Fuck you man! I just watched fucking Thor!!
So in case you couldn’t guess, I was rather damn impressed with it all. Why? Well boys and girls, strap your tolerance boots on, this one could get long.
The Computer Graphics were some of the best I’ve ever seen. Now I’m not one to believe that CGI is the sort of thing that could make or break a film, but having it be this fantastic goes quite a ways to helping out. I also was unfortunate in my having to watch it in 3D, and yet it was worth it. This is a pretty big statement from me. I despise 3D… I even walked out of the cinema not feeling nauseous. A tad headache-y sure, but that was it. So congrats Thor.
The comic relief was powerful. In that “funny but not silly” kind of way. I mean, it’s all a bit silly, but it would have been so easy to fall into the cheesy trap with this film. The writing team and director Kenneth Branagh (The Boat that Rocked, Sleuth, Hamlet) did a fantastic job of keeping the audience engaged and not descending too far into shameless, lame, self-parody.
The characters of the film were written almost as strongly as they were in Iron Man 1 & 2, not quite, but they did have quite a number more to work through, so they couldn’t work with everyone as well as they did with Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. They also managed to totally pull off an American movie with romance and comedy, in a way that totally avoided those awful American Romantic Comedies (my least favourite genre in the history of ever).
There’s this whole thing where Thor comes from another world. Which was after all really the only way you could bring a God into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which has been so grounded in reality. And I’ll tell you, Asgard (Thor’s home planet) was fucking great. They pulled off this crazy similarities in appearance between family members on Asgard, despite the fact that none of the actors are related. You may disagree with me on inspection of posters and whatnot, but after seeing the movie, you’ll get what I mean. Also the actors they got to play the younger Loki and Thor were eerily believable. Like, to an actually kind of scary point. I wonder if any of it was fake… The Frost Giant homeworld of Jotunheim is also visually stunning.
The sound effects were very confronting. I couldn’t really figure out if I though this was a good or a bad thing… It’ll be interesting to rewatch on DVD, and see if it was only so crazy because of the speakers in the theatre. Thor may have lacked the wholeness as a film felt by Iron Man 1 & 2, or The Incredible Hulk, but it was perfect as a lead up to The Avengers, which, now that it’s all set in stone, is really kind of needed. With Thor more than the other heroes it’s the most important, because there was really no way to humanise that sort of character, he’s just so outlandish that you really need an entire film just to ground him in this world they’re developing.
But all of the things I’ve had to say about the film were basically leading up to this one big thing; the cast! The cast was incredible, not only did they manage to snag a total of THREE of my favourite underrated actors ever, one of them just so happened to my favourite actor in the whole wide world, Ray Stevenson!
We have Australian (fuck yes Australia!) Chris Hemsworth (Home and Away [Hey! We all have to start somewhere, right?], A Perfect Getaway, Ca$h, Cabin in the Woods) playing Thor, Natalie Portman (Black Swan, V For Vendetta) playing Thor’s love interest; Jane Foster (lots of people have started having a problem with Natalie Portman nowadays, but I still love her), Anthony Hopkins (The Rite, The Wolfman, Beowulf, Red Dragon, Hannibal, The Silence of the Lambs [Yes, this is the same guy who played Hannibal Lecter. I fucking know, right!?] Bram Stroker’s Dracula) as Thor’s father; Odin, Stellan Skarsgard (King Arthur, Exorcist: The Beginning, Beowulf & Grendel, the Pirates of the Caribbean series, Angels & Demons) as Dr. Erik Selvig; Jane Foster’s mentor, Ray Stevenson (Rome, King Arthur, Outpost, Punisher: War Zone, The Book of Eli) as Thor’s friend, and member of the Warriors Three (above); Volstagg, Jeremy Renner (S.W.A.T., The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, 28 Weeks Later, The Hurt Locker, The Town) as Hawkeye; the S.H.I.E.L.D. sharpshooter, and Samuel L. Jackson (The Exorcist III, Jurassic Park, Jackie Brown, Shaft, Pulp Fiction, the Star Wars prequel trilogy, S.W.A.T., Snakes on a Plane, 1408, Cleaner, The Spirit, Inglourious Basterds) as S.H.I.E.L.D. Director; General Nick Fury… And those are just the actors I already adore.
I’ve now also grown quite attached to Tom Hiddleston (Wallander) who plays Loki, Thor’s brother, and the main antagonist, as well as Joshua Dallas (Doctor Who and The Descent Part II) who plays another of the Warriors Three (above), and Kat Dennings (Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist and Defendor) who plays D’arcy Lewis; Jane Foster’s friend and colleague.
As I always like to say, I watched this film in a theatre (Belcompton, shit, uh, Belconnen, Hoyts to be specific). I really think this film has lasting value, but it’s important to note that I almost always feel a film is enhanced when watched on the big screen, especially with Action films, effects films, epic films and franchise films. Thor happens to be all of those things. I was especially excited waiting for the post-credits scene to come up in that huge cinema. So please take into consideration that I reviewed this on the silver screen, if you happen to be watching it on DVD or BluRay or some such. Because you better of not fucking downloaded it!! Damn scum…
I was surprised to see Kenneth Branagh directing a big budget comic book film, but as the film continued to explore a Shakespearean tale between two brothers feuding, the relationship with their father, and a coming of age love story, I realized this is exactly the kind of movie Kenneth Branagh would make.
I really enjoyed Thor. It was funny, exciting, and different from the usual superhero ilk. And it definitely got the MCU back on track after the dismal Iron Man 2.
I haven't seen Chris Hemsworth act in any other film and this is the first time I've seen him in action, but I gotta say he really did justice to this role. Big thumbs up to Marvel for doing a great job on this casting!
Chris Hemsworth plays a great god of thunder! Much like how Downey has molded into his character, Iron Man, Chris has done the same thing too as Thor.
How Asgard was explained and how Thor came to be was explained really well. One of the better superhero origin stories for sure.
Not a big fan of the action sequences but story-wise, this film did great. It really explains how Thor came to be and why he is the person he is now.
It's like Thor was actually made to fit Chris Hemsworth rather than the other way around! Marvel couldn't have done a better job at casting than this!
One of the most original origin stories out there!
I didn't expect to like Thor as much as I did. Marvel sure knows their characters and they demonstrated that expertise by creating a superhero film that's a mix of Marvel comics and Norse mythology. Good job!
Both Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston showed that they can be among the star players in the film industry worthy to be included in this movie.
Tom Hiddleston is such a great actor! Chris is pretty great too but Tom has such a mesmerizing aura whenever you see him on-screen that it's hard not to be absorbed by the film.
Both Loki and Thor make such a huge impression on screen. The two actors who portrayed these gods are surely top-tier!
Impressive superhero film that goes well with the Iron Man solo movies that Marvel has released.
I loved how Chris Hemsworth did justice to the Norse God of Thunder. He is truly made for this role as much has Tom is made to be Loki.
Great storytelling and depiction of how Asgard looks. Additionally, they did an awesome job in setting up Thor's family dynamics.
Not a bad movie for the first film in a trilogy.
I would give it a 7/10. A good superhero flick but I know they can do better than this.
There's a delicate balance between comic book fantasy and Norse mythology in this film and they were able to lay it all out perfectly.
It's immensely enjoyable and goes well with the Iron Man solo films.
[HD] Thor 2011 Film AZ
Kısa film
Harcandı : $994,725,103
Gelir : $530,775,419
Kategoriler : Arbeit - Raumschiff , Stück Leben - Kampfkunst , Tod - Geistesgesundheit , Drama - Werbung
Üretici Ülke : Tonga
Prodüksiyon : Benetone Films
Lombardiya Vikipedi ~ Lombardiya İtalyanca Lombardia Lombardça Lumbardia Kuzey Batı İtalyada bulunan Alpler ve Po nehri vadisi arasındaki bölgedir İtalyanın 1948 Anayasası ile kısmi bölgesel özerklik verilmiş 20 bölgesinden birisidir Başkenti Milano kuzey İtalyanın en büyük şehridir
Vikipedi Özgür Ansiklopedi ~ Usame bin Ladinin Abbottabaddaki kompleksi veya yerel halk tarafından bilinen adıyla Veziristan Konağı elKaidenin kurucuları arasında yer alan ve örgütün kuruluşundan 2 Mayıs 2011deki ölümüne kadar liderliğini üstlenen Usame bin Ladinin bir dönem gizli olarak yaşadığı çeşitli yapılardan oluşan komplekstir Pakistanın Hayber Pahtunhva eyaletindeki Abbottabad
Yahudiler Vikipedi ~ Yahudilerin kökeni geleneksel olarak MÖ ikinci binyılda İbrahim İshak ve Yakuba kadar uzanır Milattan önce 1200 civarına ait olduğu düşünülen Merneptah Steli ilk tek tanrılı din olan Yahudiliğin binlerce yıllık süre zarfında geliştiği İsrail Diyarında yaşayan Yahudi halkından bahsedilen en eski arkeolojik kayıtlardan biridir
Koguryo Vikipedi ~ Goguryeo veya Koguryo Korece 고구려 eski bir Kore krallığıdır Günümüz Kore yarımadasında güney Mançurya ve güney Rusya Denizinin kuzeyinde ve güneyinde bulunmuştur Kurucusu Jumongdur Kendisi efsanelere konu olmuş usta bir okçu ve savaşçıdır Kurduğu Goguryeo Koguryo Goguryo bugünkü Korede 705 yıl boyunca hüküm sürmüştür
ŞablonHücre2 Vikipedi ~ Gezinti kısmına atla Arama kısmına atla hücre2RENK
Salih Bademci Vikipedi ~ Salih Bademci d15 Ağustos 1984 İzmir Türk oyuncu Salih Bademci Bornova Anadolu Lisesinden mezun oldu Serdar Akarın Barda filminde ve yine Serdar Akarın yapımcılığını üstlendiği Elveda Rumeli dizisinde rol aldı Kanal Dde yayınlanan Zeytin Tepesi dizisinde Akın karakterini 2014 yılında ise Kanal Dde yayınlanan Ulan İstanbul dizisinde Ceyhun karakterini
Fedon Vikipedi ~ Yaşam öyküsü 19 Ağustos 1946da İstanbulda doğdu Babası Rum annesi Ermenidir 1962 yılında Zoğrafyon Rum Lisesindeki öğrenimini yarıda bıraktı 1962 ve 1972 yılları arasında sinema sektöründe çeşitli işlerde çalıştı 1987de Zorba Tavernayı açtı 1991de şarkı söylemeye başladı Aynı yıl Senin İçin adlı ilk albümünü çıkardı
Tabur Vikipedi ~ Tabur bir yarbay ya da binbaşının komuta ettiği bölükten büyük alaydan küçük askeri taktik birliktir Günümüz ordularında ana silahlarına göre tank taburu piyade taburu topçu taburu gibi tabur sınıfları bulunmaktadır Hava kuvvetlerinde tabur genellikle filo olarak adlandırılır Taburlar ana silah türüne göre tank taburu topçu taburu tanksavar taburu
Süper Lig şampiyonları listesi Vikipedi ~ Süper Lig şampiyonları listesi Türkiyenin en üst düzey futbol ligi olan Süper Ligin şampiyonlarının sezonlara göre yapılmış listesidir Zaman içinde Millî Lig 1959 yılından 1963 yılına kadar 1 Lig 1963 yılından 2001 yılına kadar gibi isimlerle anılan ligin adı 200102 sezonundan itibaren Süper Lig olmuştur 1959daki ilk sezonu grup sistemiyle yapılan lig
Sultan Ahmet Camii Vikipedi ~ Sultan Ahmet Camii 16091617 yılları arasında Osmanlı Padişahı I Ahmed tarafından İstanbuldaki tarihî yarımadada Mimar Sedefkâr Mehmed Ağaya yaptırılmıştır Cami mavi yeşil ve beyaz renkli İznik çinileriyle bezendiği için ve yarım kubbeleri ve büyük kubbesinin içi de yine mavi ağırlıklı kalem işleri ile süslendiği için Avrupalılarca Mavi Camii Blue
Against his father Odin's will, The Mighty Thor - a powerful but arrogant warrior god - recklessly reignites an ancient war. Thor is cast down to Earth and forced to live among humans as punishment. Once here, Thor learns what it takes to be a true hero when the most dangerous villain of his world sends the darkest forces of Asgard to invade Earth.
Thor Full Izle, Thor Türkçe Dublaj Full Izle, Thor türkçe dublaj, Thor full hd izle, Thor türkçe dublaj izle, Thor türkçe altyazı, Thor cinemaximum
Thor Film AZ 2011
süreç : 173 dakika Wahlstimme
oy miktar : 1.7/10 (10606 oylayarak kararlaştırmak)
cins : MPG 1080p
incelemek : 2533
ressamlık : Giallo , math
hesaplamak : 9.4/10 (73762 Stimme)

Thor 2011 Film AZ
Thor Film AZ--full-online stream-2011-MPG-MPEG-online anschauen-FLV-MP4-BRRip-Bluray-WEBrip-stream hd-blu ray.mp4
Thor-cinetech-hd stream-2011-online schauen-blu ray-1440p-mit untertitel-untertitel-Sonics-DDP-ganzer film-ganzer film-AVI-FLV.png
The movie was not great. I don't like action movies that much but I'm expecting some good fighting scenes since this is a Marvel movie. I was disappointed. It was mostly talking and I don't understand half of what the actors were saying. I should watch this with subtitles next time.
**A long format review from 2011**
So, Thor has only been out for a week and a half, and already it’s grossed $100 million! Pretty fucking good considering it hasn’t even been released in America yet, where like, every movie ever makes most of its money. As you may have guessed, yes, I did finally get around to seeing le Thor, hence the delay in my review of The Incredible Hulk. But know what? Fuck you man! I just watched fucking Thor!!
So in case you couldn’t guess, I was rather damn impressed with it all. Why? Well boys and girls, strap your tolerance boots on, this one could get long.
The Computer Graphics were some of the best I’ve ever seen. Now I’m not one to believe that CGI is the sort of thing that could make or break a film, but having it be this fantastic goes quite a ways to helping out. I also was unfortunate in my having to watch it in 3D, and yet it was worth it. This is a pretty big statement from me. I despise 3D… I even walked out of the cinema not feeling nauseous. A tad headache-y sure, but that was it. So congrats Thor.
The comic relief was powerful. In that “funny but not silly” kind of way. I mean, it’s all a bit silly, but it would have been so easy to fall into the cheesy trap with this film. The writing team and director Kenneth Branagh (The Boat that Rocked, Sleuth, Hamlet) did a fantastic job of keeping the audience engaged and not descending too far into shameless, lame, self-parody.
The characters of the film were written almost as strongly as they were in Iron Man 1 & 2, not quite, but they did have quite a number more to work through, so they couldn’t work with everyone as well as they did with Tony Stark and Pepper Potts. They also managed to totally pull off an American movie with romance and comedy, in a way that totally avoided those awful American Romantic Comedies (my least favourite genre in the history of ever).
There’s this whole thing where Thor comes from another world. Which was after all really the only way you could bring a God into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, which has been so grounded in reality. And I’ll tell you, Asgard (Thor’s home planet) was fucking great. They pulled off this crazy similarities in appearance between family members on Asgard, despite the fact that none of the actors are related. You may disagree with me on inspection of posters and whatnot, but after seeing the movie, you’ll get what I mean. Also the actors they got to play the younger Loki and Thor were eerily believable. Like, to an actually kind of scary point. I wonder if any of it was fake… The Frost Giant homeworld of Jotunheim is also visually stunning.
The sound effects were very confronting. I couldn’t really figure out if I though this was a good or a bad thing… It’ll be interesting to rewatch on DVD, and see if it was only so crazy because of the speakers in the theatre. Thor may have lacked the wholeness as a film felt by Iron Man 1 & 2, or The Incredible Hulk, but it was perfect as a lead up to The Avengers, which, now that it’s all set in stone, is really kind of needed. With Thor more than the other heroes it’s the most important, because there was really no way to humanise that sort of character, he’s just so outlandish that you really need an entire film just to ground him in this world they’re developing.
But all of the things I’ve had to say about the film were basically leading up to this one big thing; the cast! The cast was incredible, not only did they manage to snag a total of THREE of my favourite underrated actors ever, one of them just so happened to my favourite actor in the whole wide world, Ray Stevenson!
We have Australian (fuck yes Australia!) Chris Hemsworth (Home and Away [Hey! We all have to start somewhere, right?], A Perfect Getaway, Ca$h, Cabin in the Woods) playing Thor, Natalie Portman (Black Swan, V For Vendetta) playing Thor’s love interest; Jane Foster (lots of people have started having a problem with Natalie Portman nowadays, but I still love her), Anthony Hopkins (The Rite, The Wolfman, Beowulf, Red Dragon, Hannibal, The Silence of the Lambs [Yes, this is the same guy who played Hannibal Lecter. I fucking know, right!?] Bram Stroker’s Dracula) as Thor’s father; Odin, Stellan Skarsgard (King Arthur, Exorcist: The Beginning, Beowulf & Grendel, the Pirates of the Caribbean series, Angels & Demons) as Dr. Erik Selvig; Jane Foster’s mentor, Ray Stevenson (Rome, King Arthur, Outpost, Punisher: War Zone, The Book of Eli) as Thor’s friend, and member of the Warriors Three (above); Volstagg, Jeremy Renner (S.W.A.T., The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford, 28 Weeks Later, The Hurt Locker, The Town) as Hawkeye; the S.H.I.E.L.D. sharpshooter, and Samuel L. Jackson (The Exorcist III, Jurassic Park, Jackie Brown, Shaft, Pulp Fiction, the Star Wars prequel trilogy, S.W.A.T., Snakes on a Plane, 1408, Cleaner, The Spirit, Inglourious Basterds) as S.H.I.E.L.D. Director; General Nick Fury… And those are just the actors I already adore.
I’ve now also grown quite attached to Tom Hiddleston (Wallander) who plays Loki, Thor’s brother, and the main antagonist, as well as Joshua Dallas (Doctor Who and The Descent Part II) who plays another of the Warriors Three (above), and Kat Dennings (Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist and Defendor) who plays D’arcy Lewis; Jane Foster’s friend and colleague.
As I always like to say, I watched this film in a theatre (Belcompton, shit, uh, Belconnen, Hoyts to be specific). I really think this film has lasting value, but it’s important to note that I almost always feel a film is enhanced when watched on the big screen, especially with Action films, effects films, epic films and franchise films. Thor happens to be all of those things. I was especially excited waiting for the post-credits scene to come up in that huge cinema. So please take into consideration that I reviewed this on the silver screen, if you happen to be watching it on DVD or BluRay or some such. Because you better of not fucking downloaded it!! Damn scum…
I was surprised to see Kenneth Branagh directing a big budget comic book film, but as the film continued to explore a Shakespearean tale between two brothers feuding, the relationship with their father, and a coming of age love story, I realized this is exactly the kind of movie Kenneth Branagh would make.
I really enjoyed Thor. It was funny, exciting, and different from the usual superhero ilk. And it definitely got the MCU back on track after the dismal Iron Man 2.
I haven't seen Chris Hemsworth act in any other film and this is the first time I've seen him in action, but I gotta say he really did justice to this role. Big thumbs up to Marvel for doing a great job on this casting!
Chris Hemsworth plays a great god of thunder! Much like how Downey has molded into his character, Iron Man, Chris has done the same thing too as Thor.
How Asgard was explained and how Thor came to be was explained really well. One of the better superhero origin stories for sure.
Not a big fan of the action sequences but story-wise, this film did great. It really explains how Thor came to be and why he is the person he is now.
It's like Thor was actually made to fit Chris Hemsworth rather than the other way around! Marvel couldn't have done a better job at casting than this!
One of the most original origin stories out there!
I didn't expect to like Thor as much as I did. Marvel sure knows their characters and they demonstrated that expertise by creating a superhero film that's a mix of Marvel comics and Norse mythology. Good job!
Both Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston showed that they can be among the star players in the film industry worthy to be included in this movie.
Tom Hiddleston is such a great actor! Chris is pretty great too but Tom has such a mesmerizing aura whenever you see him on-screen that it's hard not to be absorbed by the film.
Both Loki and Thor make such a huge impression on screen. The two actors who portrayed these gods are surely top-tier!
Impressive superhero film that goes well with the Iron Man solo movies that Marvel has released.
I loved how Chris Hemsworth did justice to the Norse God of Thunder. He is truly made for this role as much has Tom is made to be Loki.
Great storytelling and depiction of how Asgard looks. Additionally, they did an awesome job in setting up Thor's family dynamics.
Not a bad movie for the first film in a trilogy.
I would give it a 7/10. A good superhero flick but I know they can do better than this.
There's a delicate balance between comic book fantasy and Norse mythology in this film and they were able to lay it all out perfectly.
It's immensely enjoyable and goes well with the Iron Man solo films.
[HD] Thor 2011 Film AZ
Kısa film
Harcandı : $994,725,103
Gelir : $530,775,419
Kategoriler : Arbeit - Raumschiff , Stück Leben - Kampfkunst , Tod - Geistesgesundheit , Drama - Werbung
Üretici Ülke : Tonga
Prodüksiyon : Benetone Films
Lombardiya Vikipedi ~ Lombardiya İtalyanca Lombardia Lombardça Lumbardia Kuzey Batı İtalyada bulunan Alpler ve Po nehri vadisi arasındaki bölgedir İtalyanın 1948 Anayasası ile kısmi bölgesel özerklik verilmiş 20 bölgesinden birisidir Başkenti Milano kuzey İtalyanın en büyük şehridir
Vikipedi Özgür Ansiklopedi ~ Usame bin Ladinin Abbottabaddaki kompleksi veya yerel halk tarafından bilinen adıyla Veziristan Konağı elKaidenin kurucuları arasında yer alan ve örgütün kuruluşundan 2 Mayıs 2011deki ölümüne kadar liderliğini üstlenen Usame bin Ladinin bir dönem gizli olarak yaşadığı çeşitli yapılardan oluşan komplekstir Pakistanın Hayber Pahtunhva eyaletindeki Abbottabad
Yahudiler Vikipedi ~ Yahudilerin kökeni geleneksel olarak MÖ ikinci binyılda İbrahim İshak ve Yakuba kadar uzanır Milattan önce 1200 civarına ait olduğu düşünülen Merneptah Steli ilk tek tanrılı din olan Yahudiliğin binlerce yıllık süre zarfında geliştiği İsrail Diyarında yaşayan Yahudi halkından bahsedilen en eski arkeolojik kayıtlardan biridir
Koguryo Vikipedi ~ Goguryeo veya Koguryo Korece 고구려 eski bir Kore krallığıdır Günümüz Kore yarımadasında güney Mançurya ve güney Rusya Denizinin kuzeyinde ve güneyinde bulunmuştur Kurucusu Jumongdur Kendisi efsanelere konu olmuş usta bir okçu ve savaşçıdır Kurduğu Goguryeo Koguryo Goguryo bugünkü Korede 705 yıl boyunca hüküm sürmüştür
ŞablonHücre2 Vikipedi ~ Gezinti kısmına atla Arama kısmına atla hücre2RENK
Salih Bademci Vikipedi ~ Salih Bademci d15 Ağustos 1984 İzmir Türk oyuncu Salih Bademci Bornova Anadolu Lisesinden mezun oldu Serdar Akarın Barda filminde ve yine Serdar Akarın yapımcılığını üstlendiği Elveda Rumeli dizisinde rol aldı Kanal Dde yayınlanan Zeytin Tepesi dizisinde Akın karakterini 2014 yılında ise Kanal Dde yayınlanan Ulan İstanbul dizisinde Ceyhun karakterini
Fedon Vikipedi ~ Yaşam öyküsü 19 Ağustos 1946da İstanbulda doğdu Babası Rum annesi Ermenidir 1962 yılında Zoğrafyon Rum Lisesindeki öğrenimini yarıda bıraktı 1962 ve 1972 yılları arasında sinema sektöründe çeşitli işlerde çalıştı 1987de Zorba Tavernayı açtı 1991de şarkı söylemeye başladı Aynı yıl Senin İçin adlı ilk albümünü çıkardı
Tabur Vikipedi ~ Tabur bir yarbay ya da binbaşının komuta ettiği bölükten büyük alaydan küçük askeri taktik birliktir Günümüz ordularında ana silahlarına göre tank taburu piyade taburu topçu taburu gibi tabur sınıfları bulunmaktadır Hava kuvvetlerinde tabur genellikle filo olarak adlandırılır Taburlar ana silah türüne göre tank taburu topçu taburu tanksavar taburu
Süper Lig şampiyonları listesi Vikipedi ~ Süper Lig şampiyonları listesi Türkiyenin en üst düzey futbol ligi olan Süper Ligin şampiyonlarının sezonlara göre yapılmış listesidir Zaman içinde Millî Lig 1959 yılından 1963 yılına kadar 1 Lig 1963 yılından 2001 yılına kadar gibi isimlerle anılan ligin adı 200102 sezonundan itibaren Süper Lig olmuştur 1959daki ilk sezonu grup sistemiyle yapılan lig
Sultan Ahmet Camii Vikipedi ~ Sultan Ahmet Camii 16091617 yılları arasında Osmanlı Padişahı I Ahmed tarafından İstanbuldaki tarihî yarımadada Mimar Sedefkâr Mehmed Ağaya yaptırılmıştır Cami mavi yeşil ve beyaz renkli İznik çinileriyle bezendiği için ve yarım kubbeleri ve büyük kubbesinin içi de yine mavi ağırlıklı kalem işleri ile süslendiği için Avrupalılarca Mavi Camii Blue
Against his father Odin's will, The Mighty Thor - a powerful but arrogant warrior god - recklessly reignites an ancient war. Thor is cast down to Earth and forced to live among humans as punishment. Once here, Thor learns what it takes to be a true hero when the most dangerous villain of his world sends the darkest forces of Asgard to invade Earth.
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